manage your membership

We believe in making things easier for our customers! Use the form below to adjust, pause, or discontinue your Unlimited Wash Club Membership with Mint Eco Car Wash here in South Florida.

Mint Eco Membership Contract

When signing up for an Unlimited Club Membership online or at any Mint Eco location, you are agreeing to the following:

I authorize ____[location]___ to charge my credit card account ___[amount]___ on a monthly basis for the ____[name of plan]____ plan. I understand this is Automatic Recharge Authorization shall remain in force until I cancel by giving 7-days written notice. I understand ____[location]___ may cancel this plan at any time, and that the plan will be canceled if the monthly charge is declined by the card processing system. I understand that circumstances may affect the availability of services, including equipment failure or inclement weather. I understand that monthly rates may be increased, with notice posted at the site at least 30 days in advance. I am also agreeing to be contacted by Mint Eco Car Wash via text or email about my membership, and can choose to opt-out at any time.

Mint Eco refund Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2023

Thank you for choosing Mint Eco Car Wash. We appreciate your business and trust in our staff. As part of our commitment to clear, honest, and consistent communication with our Members and Guests, we have established the following Refund Policy to outline the terms and conditions governing refunds.

Refund Limitation

Mint Eco Car Wash has a refund limitation in place, which restricts the issuance of refunds for payment activity exceeding three months in the past. This means that we will not provide refunds for any payment activity that occurred more than three months prior to the date of your refund request.

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